Pharmacy Board of Australia - Media release
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Media release

26 Sep 2013

The Pharmacy Board of Australia announces that online renewal of registration is now open.

Renewal of registration for pharmacists due soon

The Pharmacy Board of Australia (the Board) announced today that the 2013 renewal of registration campaign for pharmacists is now open.

Over 25,700 pharmacists with general or non-practising registration are due to renew their registration with the Board by 30 November.

Last year over 90 per cent of all health practitioner registration renewals due by 30 November were submitted online.

‘This was a fantastic result and it shows how quick and easy online renewal is,’ Pharmacy Board Chair Stephen Marty said.

Anyone who experiences difficulties using the online renewal service can phone the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Customer Service Team on 1300 419 495 and a team member will talk them through the process.

Mr Marty reminded pharmacists to carefully read the Pharmacy Board’s registration standards which specify the requirements for practice before applying for renewal of their registration.

‘Make sure you understand the declarations you are required to make about meeting the Board’s registration standards,’ he said.

‘You could be asked to give information in support of your declarations so it’s important to know what the requirements are for registration to practise.’

AHPRA, on behalf of the Board, is sending out a series of reminders to practitioners with a registered email address.

It is important that pharmacists make sure AHPRA has their current contact information so they don’t miss future email and hard copy reminders to renew.

To update contact details using AHPRA’s secure online services, pharmacists can visit AHPRA website:

  • go to the bottom of the home page 
  • click on Update Contact Details under Services for Practitioners 
  • use their user ID and secure password, and 
  • follow the prompts.

Under the National Law1, all registered pharmacists are responsible for renewing their registration on time each year.

The following pages on the Pharmacy Board website contain useful information for pharmacists:

For more information

Download a PDF of this Media release - Renewal of registration for pharmacists due soon - 26 September 2013 (82.0 KB,PDF)

1The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the National Law)

Page reviewed 26/09/2013