Pharmacy Board of Australia - Retired Codes and Guidelines
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Retired Codes and Guidelines

From time to time, the Pharmacy Board of Australia reviews and updates the codes and guidelines it develops to provide guidance to the profession.

Reviews include a public consultation phase which is open for submissions. Consultations on proposals that affect the profession are on the Board’s website under Current Consultations.

Once a revised code or guideline is approved by the Board the previous version is retired. Board guidance that has been retired is published below. Submissions received are available on the Past Consultations page.

The retired codes and guidelines have not been removed from the Board’s website because complaints or concerns made about pharmacists during the time the Board guidance was in effect may still be subject to the notifications process.

Retired Board guidance

Document  PDF  Accessible format Date of effect 
Code of conduct for pharmacists  PDF (144 KB)  17 March 2014 to 28 June 2022
Guidelines for advertising regulated health services  PDF (155 KB)  To 13 December 2020
Guidelines for mandatory notifications   PDF (149 KB)     To 29 February 2020 
Social media policy PDF (62KB)    To 10 November 2019
Guideline 5 of the Guidelines for dispensing of medicines (this guideline was retired and replaced by the Guidelines on compounding of medicines on 28 April 2015) PDF (130KB)  Word version 
Guideline 5 was in effect from 12 August 2010 to 27 April 2015 
Code of conduct for pharmacists  PDF (452KB)   1 July 2010 to 16 March 2014 
Guidelines for mandatory notifications  PDF (421KB)   1 July 2010 to 16 March 2014 
Guidelines for advertising of regulated health services  PDF (458KB)   1 July 2010 to 16 March 2014 
Guidelines on continuing professional development PDF (332KB)    1 July 2010 to 30 November 2015
Guidelines for dispensing of medicines  PDF (346 KB)    12 August 2010 to 6 December 2015
Note: From 28 April 2015 the Guidelines on compounding of medicines replaced Guideline 5 (above)
Guidelines on practice-specific issues  PDF (335 KB)  12 August 2010 to 6 December 2015
 »Guidelines on practice-specific issues - Guideline 1 (List of references) PDF (315 KB)    12 August 2010 to 6 December 2015
Guidelines on responsibilities of pharmacists when practising as proprietors  PDF (375 KB)    8 December 2010 to 6 December 2015
Guidelines on specialised supply arrangements  PDF (331 KB)    12 August 2010 to 6 December 2015

Current and revised document differences

Document  Description  PDF Accessible format  Document date 
Summary of changes to revised guidelines for pharmacists The Board has published revised guidelines. Changes to note are highlighted in this document to assist pharmacists in complying with the guidance. PDF 
Word version 
(58.8 KB,DOCX)
7 December 2015 
Document showing the differences between the current and revised Mandatory notifications guidelines  The shared Mandatory notifications guidelines, effective from 17 March 2014, with the differences between the current and pending versions of the guidelines indicated in grey highlight.    Word version 
12 February 2014 
Summary of changes to revised registration standards and CPD guidelines for pharmacists The Board has published revised standards and guidelines. Changes to note are highlighted in this document to assist pharmacists in complying with the requirements. PDF (29.7KB) Word version
30 October 2015
Page reviewed 29/06/2022